Time for you Promo
Save 20% off 1st Full Month for Platinum & Gold Membership*
Use Promo Code “TimeforYOU” to Secure Offer
$200 for 1st Month
Unlimited Classes
78% Savings ($6.45 per class)
Priority Advanced Bookings
15% Off Retail
$160 for 1st month
16 Classes Per Month
67% Savings ($10 per class)
10% Off Retail
A free trial class may be taken prior to signing up for promotion. Use coupon code “TimeforYOU” to secure offer.
*For a limited time only. 20% off for Platinum & Gold base pricing, promo only applies to new auto-pays. Following 1st month, membership will auto-renew at regular Platinum & Gold base pricing. Member may move to Platinum or Gold 3 or 6 month commitment membership, but must provide 1 week notice before renewal. 30 days notice is required to cancel membership. All memberships are auto-reoccurring, for Platinum & Gold 3 and 6 month memberships, you must complete specified commitment period. For cancellations of all memberships, a minimum of 30 days notice is required. For 3 & 6 month commitment memberships, if cancelled before the end of commitment period there will be an additional $100 cancellation fee. Following commitment period, membership will roll to month to month at same rate- no need to renew membership. Pricing subject to change.